Corsi e Recorsi
Jasmin Bilodeau
Andréanne Le. Hudon
Peter Krausz
Isabelle Beaupré
Emile Brunet
David Gagnon
Brad Woodfin
16.01.25 - 01.03.25
Vernissage - Opening
17h00 - 20h00
5 - 8 pm
Grenier II, crayon de bois sur Mylar, 107 x 135 cm, (42 x 53 po), 2020
Corsi e Recorsi
16.01.25 - 1.03.25
Jasmin Bilodeau, Andréanne Le. Hudon, Peter Krausz, Isabelle Beaupré, Emile Brunet, David Gagnon, Brad Woodfin
We begin this new adventure at the Belgo with the group exhibition Corsi e Recorsi. The title, borrowed from the 18th-century Italian philosopher Giambattista Vico (1668-1744), refers to his theory on the evolution of societies, which, according to him, would not progress indefinitely and linearly, but according to recurring cycles reminiscent of those in nature. He also broke with the Cartesian and Newtonian paradigms by giving poetic imagination a fundamental role in the formation of history.
But isn't painting—hasn't it always been—a technique for learning from the imagination rooted in history and nature?
The works and artists presented here draw on a dialogue between continuity and renewal, freeing the soul of the world from prevailing cynicism and restoring our familiar clearings.
Verum ipsum factum (Truth itself is made): here's a fitting motto for the artist who wants to live fully in his time and for a project like ours.