Phase 1*: Prospective residency for 6 artists (4 from Montreal, 2 from Toronto, May 2024) with Etienne Zack, , David Gagnon, Ed Pien, Johannes Zits, In May 2024, the artists participating in this prospective residency project will have the unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the rich cultural and artistic tapestry of the city of Oaxaca. The aim of this residency is to provide them with the inspiration and resources to pursue their projects beyond the dates scheduled for the first phase.
Since the late 90s, Cache Studio director Eric Bertrand has nurtured a network of collaborators in Mexico and Oaxaca, including individuals and institutions who have become transformative agents in the art world of Oaxaca and Mexico City. Also, with the help of Demian Flores and his organization La Curtiduria, we can now provide our collaborating artists with a vast network of important artists, curators, artisans, writers, collectors and institutions in Mexico City and Oaxaca. We can thus offer them a tailor-made experience so that they can imagine, conceive and realize integral projects on site, from their conception to their exhibition to a public of amateurs and specialists. Oaxaca has been recognized for several decades for the importance of its contributions to the artistic panorama of Latin America. In recent years, the city has become a much sought-after location for artists on the international contemporary scene. The singular specificity of the modern and contemporary artistic tradition, which has been in gestation since the middle of the twentieth century, continues to yield ingenious collaborations, projects, and works that are surprised by the relevance and innovation of their proposals.
This first foray into artistic residency projects is part of a long-term program of recurring exchanges with Mexico and eventually with other cities which have already begun to establish contacts (Los Angeles, Havana, for example). This also involves the establishment of an online platform, set up within the gallery's website, through which we could exchange resources to serve, beyond the scope of this project, as an archive and interactive promotional and sales platform enabling the general public to follow our activities and purchase works by collaborating artists. We intend to allocate a substantial part of the budget for phases I and II (see below) of this residency to the creation of this online platform.
The participation of local artists, called upon to collaborate with participating artists, invokes the need to reflect on the modality of this collaboration in order to ensure an equitable relationship between artists and artists, all the more complex as exchanges between Canadian artists and local Mexican artists also involve geopolitical variables. Monica Castilo is a Mexican artist who is interested in themes linked to the value associated with the artist's social status and the impact this may have on the distribution of symbolic and financial benefits arising from collaborations between "A"rtists and artisans or other cultural workers to whom we do not refer using the word artist but which add to the value of the experience. She has agreed to collaborate with us in the context of this residency, acting as a cultural mediator to ensure that these relationships remain as equitable as possible.
Phase I* of the exchange project is the subject of a grant application to the Seed component of the Strategic Investment Fund at the Canada Council for the Arts. Although this project is part of Cache Studio's activities, they are not included in the budget covered by this application.
Description du cours
Sous la forme d’une démonstration, l’artiste Rosalie Gamache présentera toutes les étapes de la technique du marouflage, de la préparation du support jusqu’à l’application de l’enduit final. Le marouflage, qui consiste à coller un matériau léger et souple sur un support plus solide et rigide, permet d’obtenir des supports stables et de grande qualité pour la peinture à l’huile. Durant la formation, l’artiste fera la démonstration des techniques de marouflage à la colle de peau de lapin et à la colle polyvinylique en les appliquant à diverses combinaisons de matériaux, tels que le coton sur bois, le papier sur coton et le polyester sur bois.
Cette formation pratique est d’une durée de 3 heures et coûte 50 $ par personne. Les places
A Propos de Rosalie Gamache
Rosalie Gamache est une artiste qui vit et travaille entre Montréal et Québec. En 2013, elle étudie en Italie à la Florence Classical Art Academy, une école russe de beaux-arts. Elle s’initie alors à la peinture à l’huile et y parfait sa maîtrise de la représentation de la figure humaine. À son retour au pays en 2014, elle s’installe à Québec et perfectionne sa technique de peinture grâce à un mentorat privé à l’Académie des beaux-arts de Québec avec l’artiste Denis Jacques. En parallèle, elle obtient un baccalauréat en arts visuels et médiatiques à l’Université Laval qu’elle complète d’une session d’études à l’École supérieure d’art et de design de Marseille-Méditérranée. Son parcours singulier, à mi-chemin entre les beaux-arts et l’art contemporain, l’amène à développer une démarche qui réactualise le médium de la peinture en revisitant de façon intime le portrait et la nature morte. Passionnée par l’histoire de la peinture à l’huile et ses techniques, Rosalie Gamache porte une attention particulière au respect et à la transmission des techniques anciennes avec lesquelles elle travaille. sont limitées.